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The Crypto Bubble Mirrors the .Com bubble

  The crypto currency market is growing larger and larger each and every week. More Initial coin offerings are occurring more more as block chain technology becomes mainstream with goldrush investors. bubble began because of many companies going public just because they were a .com with no intellectual value the same can be said for many of these block chain coin companies being released today. Extreme volatility and price swings prevent bitcoin and others from being able to currency. The price of your currency change is so sharp that many retailers don't want to be involved.  

Amazon and eBay existed during the tech bubble and emerged in the end. Many of these dotcom websites that were essentially worthless were pumped up in a race of uphoria. I expect after a crypto bubble bursts some block chain technologies will eventually be of use and hold a value years after the bubble has bursted. I'm not anti bitcoin, etherium or lite coin. We have missed some gains but I don't want to be holding a worthless certificate if this crypto bubble bursts. When Floyd Mayweather and others start making ICO offerings out of thin air. Makes me remember the same about clever dotcom names people invested in. A company essential worth $0 but since it was attached to the internet it had some insane value. 

The price of bitcoin could rise & double going all the way to $10,000 or it could easily fall 90% if the mainstream world figures out 80%+ of these coin offerings are potentially worthless. I believe bitcoin and a few coin technologies could emerge from the dust of this future burst bubble. I don't recommend gambling in Crypto because I do not want to be on the elevator all the way down.

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